9 Ways to Speed Up Magento 2

9 Ways to Speed Up Magento 2

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, the need for a lightning-fast website cannot be overstated. A slow-loading Magento 2 store not only frustrates users but can also result in a significant drop in customer conversions. Studies show that even a mere one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversions.  

Magento 2 is powerful and has many components. This can be useful, but it can cause downtime and page speed slowdown. To keep your customers engaged and satisfied, optimizing the speed of your Magento 2 store is paramount.  

We’ve outlined the top nine ways to accelerate your Magento 2 site and enhance the overall user experience. 

1. Diagnose Magento Speed 

The first step to speed up your Magento 2 store is to diagnose the current speed and identify potential bottlenecks. Utilize reliable tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom or GTmetrix to measure your website’s performance. This initial assessment will measure the severity and location of speed-related issues. 

2. Update to the Latest Version of Magento 

Regularly updating your Magento 2 platform is crucial for ongoing performance improvements. Magento releases updates approximately every three months, introducing new features, bug fixes and speed enhancements. By staying current with the latest version, you can leverage these advancements to keep your online store running smoothly. 

3. Change Hosting Provider and Enhance Hosting Setup 

Opting for the right hosting provider is fundamental to Magento 2 speed optimization. Ensure your hosting setup meets the platform’s system requirements, including SSL and a minimum of 2GB of RAM. Avoid free or excessively cheap hosting services, as they may compromise loading speed, user experience and overall security. 

Consider the following when choosing a hosting provider: 

  • Compatibility with your Magento version/edition, including different criteria like PCI Compliance, MySQL version, server options (Apache 2.x/NGINX/Litespeed) and PHP version 
  • Whether the server is up-to-date and complies with PCI standards 
  • Whether storage capacity is adequate  
  • Regular server backups for data security 
  • Robust security features, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, malware scanning and protection against DDoS attacks 
  • Enterprise-grade security measures like debugging, free SSL certificates and 24/7 support for timely security assistance 
  • Whether there are backups or is a means of retrieving data if needed 

4. Audit Third-Party Extensions 

Third-party extensions can impact performance, making it essential to keep them updated. Perform a thorough audit of installed extensions by disabling them one at a time, clearing the cache and testing the site with speed measurement tools. Replace or update extensions that cause delays to ensure compatibility with the latest Magento version. 

5. Optimize Images 

Image optimization is a key factor in Magento 2 speed enhancement. Implement lazy loading to load images gradually as users scroll, reducing initial page load time. WebP images can also be used to decrease file size by 25-35% without compromising quality. Image compression can be enabled, as well, through the Admin Panel. 

6. Enable Caching 

Caching is essential for reducing load times on eCommerce websites. Enable Full Page Cache (FPC) in Magento 2 by selecting an appropriate caching method based on your server configuration. Cache settings can also be configured to align with your website’s needs. Plus, lifetimes, types and storage options can be adjusted as needed. To further enhance the user experience, enable browser caching for all static assets. 

7. Disable Flat Catalogs 

Magento’s flat catalogs, once used for speed improvement, can now lead to serious performance issues. It’s best to disable them in Magento 2.1 and later versions by navigating to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Storefront and then turning off both the “Use Flat Catalog Category” and “Use Flat Catalog Product” options. 

8. Clean Magento Logs and Databases 

Regular cleaning of Magento logs and databases is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. In the Magento Admin Panel, navigate to System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Log Cleaning. Then, set the desired values for log cleaning options and save the configurations. Make sure to always create a backup before cleaning logs – this helps prevent data loss. 

9. Set Up Elasticsearch 

For efficient, fast full-text searching capabilities, set up Elasticsearch in your Magento 2 store. From Magento 2.4.x, Elasticsearch is pre-enabled with default settings. For earlier versions, configure Elasticsearch by navigating to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search and then selecting Elasticsearch as the Search Engine. 

Epic Solutions for Magento 2 

By implementing these key steps, you can significantly enhance the speed and performance of your Magento 2 store, providing users with a seamless and satisfying online shopping experience. Invest the time and effort into optimizing your eCommerce platform to stay ahead in the competitive online marketplace. 

At Epic Strategies, we understand the critical importance of a high-performing Magento 2 store for eCommerce success. Whether you’re seeking to optimize your existing Magento 2 platform, manage its day-to-day operations or embark on a seamless migration, we have the expertise to elevate your online business. 

Our team specializes in diagnosing and addressing performance bottlenecks, ensuring your Magento 2 site operates at its full potential. With a keen eye on the latest updates and best practices, we have the expertise to update your platform, leverage new features, fix bugs and improve speed to keep your online store cutting-edge. 

And with a keen focus on performance, security and user satisfaction, we’ll ensure your Magento 2 store not only meets industry standards but surpasses customer expectations – turning your store into a conversion-optimized powerhouse. 
Contact Epic today to begin your journey to eCommerce excellence.