Why It’s Best to Shift the Message at Each Stage of the Buying Journey 

Why It’s Best to Shift the Message at Each Stage of the Buying Journey 

When it comes to digital advertising, one size does not fit all. Customers’ needs, expectations, and perceptions evolve through the buying journey. That’s why the art of message shifting — tailoring communication to resonate with customers at different stages — is essential to connecting with the customer and, ultimately, delivering advertising results. Message shifting is like having a conversation where one listens and responds intentionally and appropriately rather than just shouting the same thing repeatedly. 

To illustrate how a message can shift based on the buying stage, let’s assume a company is working to advertise a new toy designed to encourage kids to spend more time playing outdoors. 

Awareness Stage: Sparking Interest 

At the awareness stage, potential customers realize they have a specific problem or need. They’re not ready to buy yet — they’re just looking around and researching possible solutions. The message to these customers should be a friendly nudge that asks them: “Did you know this could be better?” and says, “Here’s how.” This shift in messaging is about educating and enlightening, making them aware of the possibilities and the pain points they hadn’t fully realized or grasped beforehand.

Awareness Message Example:
5 Reasons Why Your Kid is a Couch Potato and What to Do About It.” 

Consideration Stage: Nurturing the Connection 

At this point, a potential customer is aware of their specific need or problem and considering different options to solve it. During this stage, they evaluate, compare, and get more serious about finding a solution that works for them. The messaging needs to shift to nurture this interest, demonstrate value, and differentiate a company’s offerings from the competition. Think of it as saying: “Let’s talk about how we can solve this problem together.” 

Consideration Message Example:
“Learn How Our New Toy Takes Screen Time Outdoors to Get Kids Active Again.

Decision Stage: Sealing the Deal 

This is crunch time — the decision stage. A customer is ready to make a purchase but needs that final nudge. Messaging during this stage should be decisive, clear, and compelling, offering an irresistible reason to choose one company versus another. This message should tell the customer: “Here’s exactly why we are the right choice for you.” 

Decision Message Example:
“Our Toy is Parents’ #1 Choice for Outdoor Gaming, with a Money-Back Guarantee.”

Loyalty Stage: Cultivating Enduring Relationships 

Even though your customer has reached the post-purchase stage, the journey isn’t over. The loyalty stage is where customers are reminded that they are now part of a like-minded community. This is an opportunity to solidify the relationship and encourage repeat business and referrals. Messaging should shift to appreciation and information about the service or product’s ongoing value. This messaging should reinforce the customer’s choice, reminding them of the many continued benefits. 

Loyalty Message Example:
“Join Our Community of Parents and Share Your Knowledge while Learning from Others.”

The Impact of Getting It Right 

Crafting a message to suit each stage of the buying journey can dramatically enhance customer engagement, increase conversions, and foster loyalty. It’s about being relevant, resonant, and responsive to the evolving journey of a particular audience. This approach improves the effectiveness of marketing efforts and builds a stronger, more personal connection with customers. 


Wrapping It Up  

Ultimately, shifting the message at each stage of the buying journey isn’t just a good practice — it’s a vital strategy for any digital marketer who aims to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. Messaging shifts like this can show customers that a company understands and cares about them, leading to better engagement, more conversions, and a loyal customer base.  

Ready to change approach and watch customer engagement soar? Let’s make it happen! Contact Epic today