Leverage ChatGPT to Kickstart Your Organic Search Optimization

Leverage ChatGPT to Kickstart Your Organic Search Optimization

It’s no secret the internet runs on AI. Whether it’s Google’s machine-learning algorithm that handles billions of online searches daily or the marketing analytics software that allows programmatic advertisers to automatically place ads on thousands of platforms based on their goals, AI is essential.

A more recent development has been the democratization of AI. No longer is a development team and a massive budget required to leverage AI tools to generate content, answer questions, and make important decisions. Now, anyone with an internet connection can use these tools to save time and, in many cases, do things that would have previously required a large team.

In this article, we’ll show you the top prompts to use in ChatGPT, so you can save time and kickstart your SEO.

What is Chat GPT?

This OpenAI software development team formed in 2015 to explore open-source AI software. The first iteration of this software was released in June of 2018 and was called GPT-1. GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer. After numerous iterations, a demo of ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022. People soon realized the potential, and within five days, it gained over one million users.

ChatGPT for SEO

Anyone who has worked in SEO knows it can be time and labor intensive. With ChatGPT, you can offload much of the research and brainstorming, while concentrating on the higher-level decisions to make more efficient use of your time.

That may all sound great, but where to start? Luckily for you, we’ve identified and tested prompts for the most common and time-consuming tasks an SEO professional must routinely perform.

SEO Strategy

The first step in any SEO plan is to pick the right strategy and decide where best to spend your time for maximum effect. ChatGPT can help you get started quickly with some good ideas.

Research keyword strategies“Research the top 5 SEO keyword strategies for [topic].”
Get better click-through rates“Write 3 examples of alternative blog post titles with higher CTR for [topic].”
Classify search intents“Classify the search intent (commercial, transactional or informational) for the following keywords in a table:…”

Keyword Research

Keywords are the heart of any SEO strategy, but they can be overwhelming. Sorting, comparing, and evaluating keywords is one of the most time-consuming tasks in SEO. With these prompts, ChatGPT can do much of the grunt work for you.

Find related keywords“Identify 10 SEO keywords related to [topic].”
Find keywords related to product descriptions“Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following product description [product description].”
Cluster a list of keywords“Cluster the following keywords (add a core topic for each group) based on their semantic relevance:…”

Content Creation and Optimization

Content creation can be a bottleneck in any SEO strategy. Yet, finding topics and creating effective content is essential to success with on-page SEO.

While it’s possible to create entire pages and blog articles with AI, this may be an issue in the long run as Google tends to find and close any loopholes it deems as trying to manipulate its algorithm. There is already a race between AI content creation and AI that’s able to identify AI-created content. For this reason, it is a better long-term strategy to use ChatGPT as a tool for planning and outlining content, rather than for final content creation.

These prompts will get you started on effective topics and outlines, letting you quickly refine them for your audience and keywords.

Identify popular questions“Suggest a list of 5 popular questions related to [Keyword].”
Suggest blog post titles related to keywords“Suggest compelling blog post titles related to the following list of SEO keywords:…”
Write catchy blog post titles“Make the blog post titled [title] more catchy.”
Get better click-through rates“Write 3 examples of alternative blog post titles with higher CTR for [topic].”
Ask for examples that contradict the dominant narrative“Topic: [topic]… For the above topic, give examples that contradict the dominant narrative. Generate an outline for thought-provoking content that challenges assumptions.”
Outline the key points of a blog post“Outline the key points of a blog post about [topic].”
Suggest subheadings“Write 7 subheadings for a blog post titled [title].”
Write a detailed outline“Write a detailed outline for a blog post titled [title] with a 2-level heading structure.”
Create targeted blog post titles“Suggest 5 blog post title ideas for the keyword [keyword] targeted [audience].”

AI isn’t going away and will continue to be used in surprising ways in SEO and all aspects of internet marketing. Getting started with ChatGPT can keep your business from falling behind in your goals.